Patient Center

The office policy at Maysville Physical Therapy has always been to work with all patients, and provide them with a warm and welcoming environment where they will receive the highest quality of physical therapy. Evaluations as well as follow-up visits, will be with only one therapist. You will not be passed from one therapist to another. You will be treated by a licensed physical therapist, not a physical therapy assistant.

Once you have scheduled an appointment at Maysville Physical Therapy, we reserve that time specifically for you. If, for some reason, you can no longer make your appointment, call us as soon as possible to reschedule.

Maysville Physical Therapy accepts most insurance plans. Bring your current information with you on your first visit, and our staff will work to get you the maximum amount of coverage allowed by your insurance plan.

Payment is expected at the time services are rendered, unless other arrangements have been made. This includes any co-pays or deductibles (amounts not covered by your insurance).

For your convenience, we accept cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.