Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question below to see the answer.

What happens during my first visit?

During your first visit at Maysville Physical Therapy, you can expect the following:

  • You will fill out our patient information form.
  • Give us your prescription for physical therapy.
  • We will copy your insurance card so we have it on file.
  • You will be evaluated by your physical therapist and discuss what symptoms you are having.
  • You and your physical therapist will discuss your medical history, pain intensity, how this pain is impacting your daily routine, and the goals you have with physical therapy.
  • Your therapist will then perform a physical assessment.

Once the physical assessment is completed your therapist will make a list of problems you are facing, and what needs to be done to treat these problems. The therapist will develop a plan that is created with your individual needs in mind. They will let you know how often you should be seen, what you should do at home and what is expected once you have completed your therapy.

Why allow Julie Key McKay to be your physical therapist?

Julie provides treatment plans that are based on the needs of each patient. She cares for every patient and treats them in a nurturing, family environment with focus on their medical issues. With help from Julie, you will be on the road to becoming active in your lifestyle once again.

How should I dress for my appointment?

You should wear loose clothing so you can expose the area you need evaluated and treated. For example, if you are having knee issues then you will need to wear shorts.

What should I bring to my appointment?

  • Please bring your physical therapy referral that has been provided to you by your doctor.
  • If insurance is covering the cost of your physical therapy, please bring your insurance card.
  • If you're being covered by Workers' Compensation, bring your claim number and your case manager's contact information.
  • If you're a private pay patient, please contact our office for more information.

Can I go directly to my physical therapist?

Most insurance companies require a referral from your primary physician to be seen by a physical therapist. If you don't have a referral and want to know if your insurance would allow you to be seen without one, please contact our office and we will verify with your insurance if a referral is needed.

How long will the appointment last?

Physical therapy appointments generally last between 45 to 60 minutes.

How many visits will I need to make?

This is something we cannot determine right away. You may only need one visit, or you could need months of treatment. It all depends on your diagnosis, how severe your impairments are, your past medical history, and more. You will need to be re-evaluated every month and your physical therapist will make any necessary recommendations about how often you should be seen.

Is physical therapy painful?

The goal of physical therapy is to relieve pain. You will achieve this through a variety of techniques including, hands-on techniques, modalities such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and/or heat or cold therapy. Movement also helps to relieve the pain you are suffering from. Your therapist will provide you with the appropriate exercise to help with pain relief and more.

In some cases, physical therapy techniques can be painful for the patient. But your physical therapist will vary up the techniques to help maximize your treatment goals.

What happens if my problem or pain returns?

This is not all that uncommon. If a flare up does occur, we may suggest that you come back in for more therapy, or that you change your exercise routine and modify your daily activities.

How does the billing process work?

Billing at Maysville Physical Therapy is a lot like the billing process at your doctor's office. When you come in for your appointment:

  • The physical therapist will bill your insurance company, Workers' Compensation, or charge you based on Common Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes.
  • These codes are then sent through to a billing form that is either mailed or electronically communicated to the payer.
  • The payer will then process this information and make payments according to an agreed upon fee schedule.
  • Then an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is created and sent to the patient and the physical therapy clinic with a check for payment and a balance, due from the patient.
  • The patient is expected to pay any remaining balance.